The best things about building your own computer is that you can choose every single part yourself that suit your needs exactly and make sure that every component is in good quality. Learning to build your own PC also helps you to manage your own computer and enhance your computer skills and capabilities.
Why should I build my own personal computer?
That's a good question. After all, it's a lot easier to buy a computer from a reputable computer shop than it is to build one yourself. But the truth is that most of us computer geeks and geeklings build our own computers simply because we enjoy it. We think it's fun. But aside from being fun, there are other advantages to building your own computer. For example:
• You can build your own pc exactly how you want it, as best fits your computing needs. When you build your own computer, it truly is a "personal" computer.
• Building a PC is an educationally rewarding experience that can enrich a person's knowledge of and appreciation for applied math, electronics, and physics.
• Sometimes a home-built computer can be less expensive than a comparably equipped store-bought computer, especially if you start with a barebones computer kit.
• Building computers is an enjoyable hobby with the potential to lead to a career. In fact, many IT professionals got their start by building their own computers.
Preparation for computer assembly
Here we guide you through everything you need to know in order to build your own computer. This guideline covers the importance of work place and the proper methods of handling computer parts.
• The first thing you need to think about when planning your new homebuilt computer has nothing to do with parts, performance, or configuration.
• You need a sturdy table or workbench. Ideally, you'll want a table that's big enough to hold a computer laying on its side, your tools, the parts you are installing, and any technical documents or instructions you will be using.
• The table should be clean and non-metallic. If not, then you'll need to cover it with a non-conductive surface such as a plastic table cloth or a piece of plywood or Masonite.
• Your work area should be well-lit and have a grounded AC power outlet that you can plug a surge suppressor into so you can test your new PC once it's assembled.
• Avoid places that are damp, subject to temperature extremes, dirty, or dusty.
• If possible, try to avoid carpeted rooms. Carpeting tends to generate a lot of static when you walk across it.
• Fully shut down and unplug the computer before you make any attempts to disassemble the tower.
• Take off any metal objects on your arms or fingers such as bracelets, rings or watches. Even if your unit is unplugged, there may still be some remaining electric charge.
• Make sure your hands are completely dry to avoid damaging any mechanical parts as well as to avoid electrocution.
• Work in a cool area to avoid perspiration for the same reason as seen in the previous number.
• Before touching any part within the pc case, put your hands against another metal surface to remove static charge, which may damage sensitive devices.
• Prepare a place to keep any screws you may remove. A container or piece of paper with labels for each part is ideal to avoid confusion between the similar-looking screws.
• Handle all parts with care. Place each piece you remove carefully down onto a stable surface.
• If a component does not come out easily, do not forcefully remove it. Instead, check that you are removing it correctly and that no wires or other parts are in the way.
• Be careful when holding the motherboard, it’s underside actually quite pointy and able to hurt you.
• Never attempt to remove the power source, a box attached to the side or bottom of the unit to which all cables are connected.
• When removing any cables, wires or ribbons, make sure to grasp the wire at the base or head to keep it from breaking.
• Be careful not to drop any small parts into unreachable areas such as into the computer fan or disk drive.
• Take note that the three of the most damaging things to a computer are moisture, shock and dust.
• Always remember to read and follow the instructions of your computer manual.
Have a safe experience in assembling your computer!