Avast is a reliable free antivirus solution, provides the essential security you need to protect your PC from hackers and thieves. In addition to the protection possible, Smart Scan detects vulnerabilities in your home network, checks for program updates, and fixes PC performance issues. Developed by AVAST Software.
DOWNLOAD: [520.00] SIZE: 87MB BIT: 32:64 OS: WIN.XP.7.8.10
Avast Free Antivirus provides the essential security you need to protect your PC from hackers and thieves. In addition to the best antivirus and anti-malware protection possible, the new Home-Network Scanner scans your network for any issues, while Browser Cleanup lets you remove annoying plugins, and SmartScan allows for one-click scanning. For the first time ever, you can protect your home network devices, such as routers and wireless devices, from hacker attacks.
The newest version of the most-trusted security in the world is ready, and it’s completely free. Avast protects more than 220 million people, businesses, and mobile devices worldwide.
Avast Key Features include:
Browser Cleanup
Remove annoying browser toolbars or extensions, and restore your hijacked search browser.
Software Updater
Easily update your important software to increase the overall security and condition of your PC.
Remote Assistance
Remote Assistance lets you help or be helped over the Internet.